New Years Resolutions January 2020

Are you looking for some easy New Year’s resolutions? Something that is simple and easy to do?

Here are 3 resolutions that will boost your health in the New Year

Eat more vegetables. Try to boost your vegetable serving to 6 or more cups of vegetables in a day. Try adding vegetables from these three categories: Colorful, Sulphur rich and LeafyGreens. 

    • Colorful vegetables have specific vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for reducing heart disease and dementia include beets, squashes, tomatoes, carrots, purple cabbage, radishes and peppers. You can also add in more berries, citrus and grapes to boost your antioxidants. 

    • Sulphur rich vegetables include the cruciferous family, garlic and onion and all help with detoxification as well as reducing your cancer risk. The cruciferous family of vegetables includes broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, boy choy, etc.

    • Leafy Greens are rich in nutrients and can help reduce heart disease risk, boost minerals and help with digestion. The leafy greens include lettuces, kale, collards, arugula, spinach and dandelion greens. 

Drink more water. Water is important for detoxification, promoting clear thinking, aiding digestion and increases achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. You can add some electrolytes, fruit slices or even a pinch of salt to boost absorption and decrease your trips to the bathroom.

Make your bed. I stole this idea from the TV show Stumptown who got it from this speech. Basically completing this small task will start your day off right and give you your first win of the day this making you a winner before you even leave the house!! Research supports this idea as a study found that 71 percent of bed makers were happy while 62 percent of non-bed makers were unhappy. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a made bed contributes to healthier sleep habits and better rest. 

If you are looking for additional support meeting your health goals this year, I offer free fifteen minute consultations to discuss how
Naturopathic medicine can help you meet your goals. 

Jennifer Strider, ND